Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Some of the best days are when you just leave your team to do their job

As the title states, I think that some of the best days are when you have a team that you have trained, skilled and motivated to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Sometimes all you need to do is point people in the right direction and let them get on with what they do best - no interference, no questioning. Yesterday was one of those days where the operations guy knew exactly where he wanted to be after a heavy weekend trade (see payday weekend blog from Saturday.) The customer service team had nothing other to do than give great customer service and weren't hindered by taking on extra tasks. The shop ran well, sales were up and everyone enjoyed their day. For things you can't buy on the High Street - Kindle edition of Philomena: The True Story of the Film (Film Tie-in Edition): The True Story of a Mother and the Son She Had to Give Away

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